April 8 St. Louis Business Expo Seminar Lineup

Created 9 years 58 days ago
by Rita Palmisano

Categories: categoryManagement
Views: 3585
St. Louis Business Expo Seminars, April 8

Rooms 104-105

“Complexities of the Internet” –Learn How To Grow And Scale Your Business Using The Internet.
This presentation will include a high level overview of how and why ads serve up on Google, Yahoo and Bing. What do YOU as a business owner need to be aware of when considering advertising online. Learn how to grow and scale your business using the power of the internet.
Presented by YP

Rooms 104-105

Email Marketing: Turning Social Media into Profits
Learn how to create more prospects with social media and convert those prospects, fans and followers into buyers.This workshop will focus on the channel that must be created between social media and the realization of a new client.
•    Maximize your profits by using this awesome, one, two punch.
•    Turn that "like" into a sale.
•    Get a huge list through Social Media.
•    Learn how to get connected to your existing clients on Social Media.
•    Don't let your efforts go to waste, learn how to do it right!
Presented by Barry Coziahr, Response Targeted Marketing
Sponsored by Constant Contact

How To Successfully Find The Right Government Contracts For Your Company
One of the most educational, fast-paced, high-energy and thought-provoking sessions you will attend at this year’s expo. Out of more than 2,000 sessions, this seminar was rated one of the strongest and valuable sessions at the 2013 National Veterans Conference and was given as the keynote for the State of Utah’s PTAC annual government symposium.
Designed for entrepreneur, novice, experienced business professionals, and executives who operate or plan to operate in the federal space.  Unlike most sessions, this is more than a general or abstract discussion. We will outline how and where to prospect and provide real-world techniques, strategies and recommendations.  Focusing on techniques proven to maximize government opportunities, we discuss the importance of pre-acquisition prospecting, how
and where to identify and evaluate which federal agencies and military services buy what you sell; the most common prospecting challenges faced by small business; identify the 20 most common prospecting methods and discuss which ones actually work. Added takeaway: every session attendee will receive business templates outlined in the session; includes example marketing collateral for effectively positioning and differentiating with teaming partners; and a copy of slides presented at the session.
Presented by Joshua Frank, RSM Federal

YP Direct Mail-Learn How It Can Impact Your Business
Direct mail is a best kept secret when it comes to marketing businesses. Yes, direct mail marketing is alive and well in the year 2015. Businesses are using the marketing medium to find new customers and maintain current relationships. Learn how to make direct mail work for your business.
Presented by YP

Using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest to Prosper
This workshop will focus on time saving tools that will allow you to post regularly enough and frequently enough to get the attention you need. Join us to learn how to do enough social media that it matters in a short amount of time.
•    Learn how much and how often to do it right.
•    Get it all done in the least amount of time
•    How to make Social Media work for your business.
•    The do's and don'ts of Social Media.
•    What Social Media should you be using?
•    What is the best day/time to post?
•    Learn how to use Social Media and make your business prosper!
Presented by Barry Coziahr, Response Targeted Marketing
Sponsored by Constant Contact

Stage 1

Doing Business and Identifying Opportunities with The City of St. Louis
This seminar will provide information on Lambert-St. Louis International Airport’s Five Year Strategic Plan and its focus  for the future.  Additionally, this session will provide potential Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE)  firms with information on the various programs with the City of St. Louis.  Attendees will learn about the Local and Federal  Certification process  and upcoming contracting opportunities.
The BDD Office - Helping Diverse Businesses Excel
Presented by Amber Gooding, Assistant Director, Business Diversity Development Office, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport.

The Art of Successful Succession
Presented by the Midwest Business Institute

Fill Your Pipeline With Ease (Special 2-Hour Seminar)
If you want to avoid the 3 most common costly mistakes entrepreneurs make that keep them overwhelmed, overworked and riding the cash-flow roller coaster, this seminar is for you. You will learn:
-The three most over-used marketing strategies that cost entrepreneurs time, energy and money
-The No. 1 way to leverage the market place and gain access to 20x the prospects currently available to you
-The important difference between a generalist and a specialist and why a specialist can earn up to 10x more.
-Plus, learn a 3-step process for turning your time spent networking into a steady stream of high quality, referred-business that closes 80% of the time.
Presented by Virginia Muzquiz, “The Referral Diva,” and owner of Rev Up Your Referrals

Stage 2
"Good to Great: Why Some Salespeople Make the Leap and Others Don't"
Are you frustrated by a lack of sales? Is your pipeline of future prospects slowly fading away? Are you unsure where your business will come from in 6 months? If the answer is yes, let sales guru Gill Wagner show you how you can turn yourself into a great salesperson.
Presented by Gill Wagner, owner Gill Wagner Connections and founder of Yellow-Tie

Emerging Trends in Email Marketing
Email marketing is alive and well -- but changing. Smart marketers are using email in new and creative ways to attract leads, engage prospects, close sales and maximize value of customer relationships. Email marketing expert Tom Ruwitch will share real examples from B2C, B2B and nonprofit businesses which are using email most effectively. He will reveal strategy and tactics which you can put to work right away in your business.
Presented by Tom Ruwitch of Marketvolt. is an interactive marketing expert with nearly 20 years’ experience helping businesses grow using interactive marketing. He is the founder and president of MarketVolt, an interactive marketing firm that is best known for its industry leading email marketing engine.

Start With The Why
Do you know your Why? The purpose, cause or belief that inspires you to do what you do and inspires your company to do great things? Can you articulate your why to employees or customers? Join Jeremy Nulik from Kolbeco Marketing as he shares ideas, tips and strategies to help you find the why in your company.
Presented by Jeremy Nulik, Kolbeco Marketing Resources

Doing Business and Identifying Opportunities with The City of St. Louis
This seminar will provide information on Lambert-St. Louis International Airport’s Five Year Strategic Plan and its focus  for the future.  Additionally, this session will provide potential Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women Business Enterprise (WBE)  firms with information on the various programs with the City of St. Louis.  Attendees will learn about the Local and Federal  Certification process  and upcoming contracting opportunities.
The BDD Office - Helping Diverse Businesses Excel
Presented by Amber Gooding, Assistant Director, Business Diversity Development Office, Lambert-St. Louis International Airport.

Stage 3 (Sponsored by EG Radio)

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
Presented by Jeff Arthur, Excalibur Coaching
Sponsored by EG Radio

Never Lose Another Sale
Presented by Art Snarzyk III
Sponsored by EG Radio

Using Technology To Improve Your Marketing
For business owners and marketers, learn how to use the same technology used by large corporations, affordably, to boost your marketing returns. You'll see real world examples of important tech applications that you can apply within your company...applications that can boost returns from your marketing programs
Presented by Jim Elder, Allegra Design Web Print. Jim Elder leads the St. Louis office of a large marketing services agency with offices throughout the U.S. and Canada. In addition to leading an agency, Jim has been a marketing professor and a senior marketing officer at companies in the healthcare industry.

Become A Person of Influence
Presented by Dwayne Bess
Sponsored by EG Radio

-St. Louis Business Expo is Missouri’s largest business-to-business shopping mall.
-Ability to creatively sell yourself and your company to a very targeted qualified audience.
-Great opportunity to market new products, services and technology.
-Excellent ways to get name out and let customers learn about your company.
-An opportunity to meet top executives and business decision-makers in a positive environment.
-Person-to-person interaction. Fantastic selling, prospecting and networking opportunity!
-Best one-day networking available with leads and prospects surrounding you.
-Promotional mentions in the St. Louis Small Business Monthly announcing you as a participant.