Jane Arnold, Polsinelli
Brent Baxter, Nolan & Associates
Guy Brandt, Berger, Cohen & Brandt, L.C.
Catherine “Liza” Chollet, The Kohn Partnership LLP
Brad Crandall, Affinity Law Group
James Dankenbring, Spencer Fane, LLP
Dave Driscoll, Metro Business Advisors
Thomas Erb, Lewis Rice
Vincent Garozzo, Greensfelder
Bob Guest, Affinity Law Group
Rick Hennessey, ButcherJoseph & Co.
Adam Herman, Mueller Prost CPAs + Business Advisors
Stuart Hoffman, Abeles and Hoffman
Holly Huels, Holleway Capital Partners
Trevor Hulett, R.L. Hulett & Co.
Jeff Kalil, VR Business Brokers
Joseph von Kaenel, Evans and Dixon
Howard Kaplan, Stinson, LLP
Mike Kendall, Kendall Capital Group
Dan Kreher, Glendale Capital Partners, LLC
Tom Long, Turning Point Advisors
Donald Paule, Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal, P.C.
Tracy Ring, Greensfelder
Kevin Short, Clayton Capital Partners
Richard Tishler, Riezman Berger, P.C.
Submitted 4 years 20 days ago