by Nancy Friedman
A recent report estimated over 300 billion (yes with a B) emails are sent each day. Spam messages are jamming inboxes across the globe and the average businessperson now gets over 100 emails a day (some even more).
I’ll share the top 3 frustrations and then I’d love to hear from you on what frustrates you on emails you receive.
No. 1 Poor spelling and grammar – I’m amazed at the number of people, high level executives as well, that frequently misuse YOUR, YOU’RE; THERE, THEY’RE; HEAR, HERE and several others.
Admittedly, it’s easy to do. Poor Siri sometimes doesn’t know the right word. And not proofing what you wrote is an issue. (I’m guilty of not proofing as much as I should.) However, when we misspell a word, or use the wrong word, we simply don’t sound very intelligent. Take extra time to review your message before you hit send.
No. 2 Unnecessary, way too long emails – Avoid competing with “Gone with the Wind.” Long rambling emails are a frustration to most and easy to misunderstand. On the other hand, one word answers can be seen or felt as rude and cold.
Somewhere in between is good. We get emails on our computer, our iPad, our iPhone, and now on our iWatch. If you have a long email, consider an attachment.
No. 3 Wrong subject lines – When you change the message or topic after jotting a few emails back and forth to the same person, remember to make sure you change or ADD the new subject to coordinate with the message. It’s easier to locate a message that way as well.
What’s YOUR biggest frustration on emails? I’d love to hear them.
Nancy Friedman, Founder/Chairman, Telephone Doctor Customer Service Training, bringing you Zoom programs, and our, a popular boutique, unique online eLearning platform. Nancy is a featured speaker on customer service, communications, and sales. or call 314-276-1012.
Submitted 2 years 342 days ago