SBM Articles


The Heart Of Your Culture

by Jonathan Jones

Traditionally, leaders have focused more on strategy than consciously creating a culture and environment where employees thrive. A leadership team that embodies the company’s core values is a crucial part of building a thriving culture. Leaders’ choices, interactions with employees and external partners, day-to-day operations, and the behavior they promote or tolerate in employees all provide clear evidence of their values.

The right culture results from an upfront investment of time and energy into defining core values. Your values should be directly associated with your mission and vision. As a leader, you may help people reach their full potential by coaching them, providing frequent feedback, and supporting their personal development objectives. Values-driven actions like these are where true transformation and power reside. It takes everyone’s dedication and awareness, notably that of the leadership team, to establish the proper culture where employees feel appreciated, perform meaningful work, and are part of a successful team in an environment of trust.

To create high-performing teams that exemplify your values-centered culture, equip your leaders with the necessary mindset, skills, resources, and tools.

- Create an atmosphere of trust— relationships are vital.
- Create a unified vision and strategy— put the mission into action.
- Execute team objectives—take responsibility for the results.
- Unlock potential via coaching—be a lifelong learner and recognize the best in others.

Leadership that places a premium on culture and values is more likely to recruit and retain high-caliber employees who share the company’s “why” (passion/purpose), thereby boosting morale, productivity and profitability.

Jonathan Jones ( or 314-608-0783) is a CEO peer group chair/coach for Vistage International.

Submitted 1 years 62 days ago
Categories: categoryCulturecentric Leadership
Views: 623