by Jonathan Jones
As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s an opportune moment for leaders to assess the past year thoroughly. Whether through a straightforward SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis or a more detailed examination of each business sector, taking stock is crucial. This process isn’t just about evaluation; it’s a celebration of progress and an adjustment period to lay the groundwork for a prosperous 2024.
Engaging your leadership team in this reflective exercise can be transformative. Imagine the potential of a two-hour workshop dedicated to collaborative review and planning:
Recognizing Successes: Identify what your business excelled at this year. Plan to celebrate these achievements and reinforce the best practices that led to them.
Learning from Challenges: Rather than assigning blame, focus on collective problem-solving. Discuss areas that need improvement and strategize how to enhance these aspects as a team.
Appreciating Contributions: Take the time to celebrate this year’s achievements and extend praise to every team member. Recognizing effort fosters motivation and loyalty.
Re-evaluating Commitments: Are there projects or processes that drain resources without yielding benefits? It might be time to let go of these ‘sacred cows’ to focus on more fruitful endeavors. A stop doing list can be more powerful than a to do list.
Summarize the outcomes of this meeting and share them with the entire organization. Highlight specific achievements or goals visually in newsletters, on bulletin boards, or as topics for retreats and training sessions.
Remember, employees thrive on feedback. They seek accountability and inclusion. By integrating exercises like this into your annual routine, you reinforce your company’s culture, empower your staff with a voice, and collectively refine your strategy for the year ahead.
Jonathan Jones ( or 314-608-0783) is a CEO peer group chair/coach for Vistage International.
Submitted 1 years 77 days ago