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Time With The Boss - Caitlin Murphy, Global Gateway Logistics

Caitlin Murphy
Global Gateway Logistics

Industry: Transportation and Logistics
What is your mission?
To create gateways for advancement through global shipping. Our mission is closely tied to our philanthropic program, Gateway For Good, that focuses on providing a portion of proceeds to causes that we and our clients believe in.

What was your first job?
I worked at an international marketing firm in Beijing.

What was your worst job?
Selling office supplies! I felt like I was in the show “The Office.”

What led you to your industry?
I always loved global trade and after graduating I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my International Business degree. A friend of mine in Beijing was an oil trader and suggested that I research the field of logistics. I immediately was enthralled with ocean and air cargo transportation and decided to move back to St. Louis to explore a career in global logistics.

What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year?
We redefined our vision, purpose, uniqueness and target market. The entire team was able to be on the same page with where we are headed and what defines us.

Who is your industry role model?
I really admire Don Maltby. He spent years in the logistics industry and was a thought leader and created organizational change. He is now a mentor and strategic advisor.

How do you try to differentiate your business from others in your industry?
We created a hybrid offering of boutique customer service and technology on every shipment. All of our clients have piece of mind knowing their account manager is always available and strategizing each shipment to propel their global supply chain.

What’s the hottest trend in your industry, and are you going to jump on board?
Technology. There are many advances in technology for freight forwarding. Whether it makes it easier to quote shipments, track or provide analytics, we are seeing a plethora of new solutions. We believe in technology to provide transparency in shipping so we invest in the right tools that help to bring that transparency to the forefront.

What’s the hardest part of your job?
Not everyone you work with outside of your organization will share in your values and ethics. I have had to make hard decisions to walk away from firms and people that didn’t align with our business ethics.

What’s the best part?
My incredible team! I have an amazing team of experts that are diverse in background and thinking, supportive of each other and always working to better the company. I am grateful they have chosen my firm for their careers and our growth and success is attributed to their daily hard work.

What best advice would you share with new entrepreneurs?
The journey is going to be long and filled with many hurdles. Surround yourself with people that will be there to build you up when you fall, cheer you on your accomplishments and stand by your side in challenges. That piece will prove to be more important than any business plan.

What’s your favorite place in St. Louis?
Art Hill. It is such a mesmerizing place in the city and perfect in all seasons. It’s also where I got engaged.

What book is on your nightstand?
The Bible; it’s my anchor and inspiration.

Submitted 1 years 16 days ago
Categories: categoryTime With The Boss
Views: 778