Monday, January 20, 2025
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Time With The Boss - Mike Strope, Marsh Shipping Supply Company, LLC

Mike Strope
Marsh Shipping Supply Company, LLC

Title: President
Industry: Packaging Manufacturing
What is your mission?
To coach and mentor our employees to get everyone to their full potential.

What was your first job?
My first job was working at a concrete manufacturing plant loading and unloading trucks with a forklift and cleaning the yard.

What was your worst job?
Cleaning out a 500 Gallon oil tank in the summer heat.

What led you to your industry?
I started off as Graduate student intern doing the regulatory compliance for our hazardous inks. I then took on purchasing, tech support, then sales and finally into management.

What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year?
Work to increase our printer’s ability with connectivity with customer data and integrations.

Who is your industry role model?
My industry role model is Paul Barton with HP.

How do you try to differentiate your business from others in your industry?
We rely on repeat customers and sales. So, we focus heavily on customer service and having a person available to answer the phone promptly.

What’s the hottest trend in your industry, and are you going to jump on board?
Integrating data and systems for direct printing onto products as we increase transparency and tracking of food/beverages, and pharmaceuticals. We are all in on it and looking to become a thought leader.

What’s the hardest part of your job?
The hardest part of my job is balancing focus working on the business vs working in the business.

What’s the best part?
Being around our employees, customers, and vendors. As we sell only through distributors, many of our customers have become friends over the years. I also love being able to travel all over the world building these relationships.

What best advice would you share with new entrepreneurs?
Understand as an entrepreneur that you will need to learn all aspects of your business. Find mentors and utilize your resources to help, including the local Small Business Development Centers.

What’s your favorite place in St. Louis?
I love our Zoo. We have been members for years and try to go as often as we can.

What book is on your nightstand?
Right now, I am working on “Traction, Get a Grip on Your Business” by Gino Wickman.

What has made you successful in your industry and in St. Louis?
Staying up to date with new innovations, taking time to read about what is happening around the world, listening to both our customers and employees, and joining our industry organizations. In St. Louis, staying connected through local events that Bank of America hosts/sponsors to meet other local leaders. In addition, being on the 2 local councils, I am connected with not only other business leaders, but we work closely at the county, state, and federal levels trying to mutually grow the Metro East area.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy exploring new places with my family. I am also on the Missouri District Export Council helping mentor other business leaders on exporting, as well as on the Southwestern Illinois Trade & Investment Council.


Submitted 57 days ago
Categories: categoryTime With The Boss
Views: 159