Thursday, March 13, 2025
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Women Leaders - Jordan Bouchard, Forest Park Forever

by Marianne Biangardi and Jennifer Bardot

When you began your career did you ever imagine you would have a leadership role like you have now? What advice would you give your younger self?
My career has taken me from coast-to-coast, working as program manager at a non-profit in San Francisco, then back to my alma mater in Queens, N.Y., in student development and volunteer management. And now I am the Director of Major Gift & Planned Giving with Forest Park Forever. I lovingly say now working for Forest Park, it doesn’t get much more St. Louis than that! So it really is home for me. Looking back on the career journey I’ve had the common thread has been purpose and connection. I’m grateful that I’ve gotten the opportunities to work with organizations and in positions that allow me to lead with my heart, too.

Who inspires you and why? What is your most valued attribute in the leaders you respect or mentors you have had?
I’ve been fortunate to have many mentors throughout my career, many of them women, whose leadership has shaped the leader I am, and strive to be. I admire their confidence, their drive, honesty and compassion. They’ve taught me that leadership doesn’t mean saying yes to everything. It’s important to know when to say no, and that is okay.

What did it take in order to trust yourself to step into leadership?
Reminding myself that being a leader doesn’t mean perfection. I allow myself grace in the process and recognize that every opportunity, whether it’s a win (hold on to those!) or a difficult experience, is a chance for growth.

Have you experienced any hardships and how did you overcome the obstacles? When did you know, the business was going to make it?
When I hit obstacles, I first remind myself I don’t have to figure it out alone. Sometimes, stepping back to see the big picture or considering things from another perspective is all it takes to find a new way forward.

What do you attribute your success too? Secret to your success…
I attribute my success to building community around me, wherever that may be. Lean in and get to know your neighbors, the LinkedIn connection, your favorite small business owner, the person next to you at the networking event.... When we invest in those around us, we are uplifted too.

What advice would you give other local women leaders?
I attended a leadership workshop where we discussed reviews. The moderator asked, “What if you wrote your review as if your best friend were doing it for you? What would they say?” I loved this advice; It helped me focus on the positive and acknowledge the things I’ve accomplished. So, to all the women leaders out there: Yes, you achieved all of those things. Yes, you absolutely deserve to be celebrated!

Other items you would like to highlight
I have the pleasure overseeing the Women’s Committee at Forest Park Forever. It’s a fantastic group of members who love and support Forest Park. There are many ways to get involved, from our quarterly Coffee & Conversations series to guided wildflower walks with our park ecologist, and the signature Hat Luncheon, which is our largest annual fundraiser that supports the daily care and maintence of Forest Park. If you’re passionate about the Park and want to get involved, I’d love to connect. 

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Jennifer Bardot (, or
314-630-1451) is CEO and Founder of G.R.I.T. Community For Women.

Marianne Biangardi ( or 314-322-4871) is Sr. Associate, Marketing and Business Development, at UHY LLP.

Submitted 44 days ago
Categories: categoryWomen Leaders
Views: 184