SBM Articles


Women Leaders - Christina Abel, Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Co.

by Marianne Biangardi and Jennifer Bardot

When you began your career did you ever imagine you would have a leadership role like you have now? What advice would you give your younger self?
I always knew I wanted to work in our family business with the goal that I would run the company alongside my parents and brothers. I would advise my younger self to take every opportunity for education whether that’s academically or learning the business from my parents.

Who inspires you and why? What is your most valued attribute in the leaders you respect or mentors you have had?
My parents started our company in 1981 when interest rates were 22% and starting a business was challenging. Through hard work and dedication, the business thrived and this year we will celebrate 44 years in business. My parents taught us the value of hard work and to learn every aspect of the business so we can jump into any role if needed. We can’t expect someone to do a job that we haven’t done ourselves.

What did it take in order to trust yourself to step into leadership?
I’m fortunate to work with my amazing and supportive family. Having the ability to bounce ideas off each other and discuss the business daily has given me the confidence to be effective in leadership.

Have you experienced any hardships and how did you overcome the obstacles. When did you know, the business was going to make it?
Our business had been growing each year. However, just like everyone, COVID was a challenge for us. We had acquired Bissinger’s in June of 2019. We were excited to grow the brand and then COVID came and derailed our initial plans. Fortunately, we were able to pivot to online sales which helped sustain the business when our retail stores were forced to close during the mandatory shut down period. Luckily, our retail stores were able to re-open and due to the online sales, our product was introduced to new customers.

What do you attribute your success too? Secret to your success…
We work hard- we are in the office every day before anyone arrives and are the last to leave. I love my job and have fun every day.

What advice would you give other local women leaders?
Be fair. Be fair to your co-workers, employees and yourself. Be firm on your core values and build a team that exemplifies those values.

Other items you would like to highlight...
Working with my family is the most rewarding part of my job. I also get to work with chocolate every day and that’s pretty great too! n

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Jennifer Bardot (, or
314-630-1451) is CEO and Founder of G.R.I.T. Community For Women.
Marianne Biangardi ( or 314-322-4871) is Sr. Associate, Marketing and Business Development, at UHY LLP.

Submitted 12 days ago
Categories: categoryWomen Leaders
Views: 88