Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Should I Have A Policy Limiting Social Media In My Office?

Question: Productivity seems to be an issue at my company. We have 26 employees, but I think we can all do a better job managing our time and working to help the company become more successful. I recently read a study by McKinsey Global Institute that said the average employee receives 147 emails a day and spends 28% of his or her time at the office on email. How many of those emails are really important to the business? Can you offer any advice on how all of us can utilize our time better when it comes to email and technology?


It’s hard to remember what we did with all of our time before we filled so much of it with email. Tips for reducing the volume of email, which reduces the amount of time spent wading through it:
* If emails go back and forth more than a couple of times, pick up the phone to continue the discussion. Email is great, but it’s not for every situation.
* Also consider the phone or a face-to-face meeting if the subject may be sensitive. It’s tempting to hide behind email.
* If you subscribe to newsletters, use www.unroll.me to batch them into one email you can check at your convenience.
* Match the subject line to the content. When content changes in a thread, update the subject line so readers can sort threads quickly.
* Think about who really needs to be copied and limit the urge to blanket the earth with your message.
* Don’t send chain emails. They’re as annoying as chain letters.

–Mary Kutheis, performance improvement and contentment specialist, www.RealContentment.com

Yes, statistics show the average professional receives 100 to 150 emails daily. This translates into 20,000-plus emails per year, costing each of us a large percentage of time – one-third of our day – along with costing companies billions each year. The answer to the first question can vary depending on individuals. Generally, only 25% of emails are vital. Here are a few ways we can be more efficient.
1. Create a process to handle our email.
2. Learn to use our technology effectively.
3. Only check email four times a day, handle it and stop multitasking – emailing while trying to do other tasks.
4. Get quicker responses by using a BAB format (be Brief, put Action first, use Bullets).
5. Start your subject line with words like “Confirm,” “Action Needed,” “Info Only,” “Delivery” and “Per Request.”
6. Follow the 10-minute rule: If it will take longer than 10 minutes, consider using the phone!

–Cathy Sexton, productivity strategist, productivityexperts.com

Submitted 11 years 95 days ago
Categories: categoryBoard of Directors
Views: 5676