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June 26 Event: Learn Ready-To-Use Online Marketing Tactics

 June 26, Business Owners Speaker Series:  7 Ready-To-Use Online Marketing Tactics To Grow Your Business Now

On June 26, Patrick Hawn, Senior Marketing Advisor at MarketVolt, will share tips on creating the right marketing strategy for your business, and the ways to implement them, at a Business Owners Speaker Series. St. Louis Small Business Monthly spoke with Hawn on what business owners, employees and non-profit leaders can learn. The event will be held from 7:30am-9am at the Hilton St. Louis Frontenac.  The event is FREE but registration is required.  Seating is limited.  Click here to register.

Your topic is “7 Ready-to-use Online Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Business Now”. Can you provide us with an overview of the tactics attendees will learn about?
Everyone has heard that the Internet, social media, and email are great tools. We all hear, “Use this tool. Do that thing.” But what marketers don’t get are the most effective ways to use these platforms. You could use social media for hours and hours and hours and, without the right strategy, it’s just not going to work. We will dig into how to use online marketing effectively by engaging prospects, converting them to clients and maximizing their value to your organization.

Who should attend this event?

If you have a hand in marketing for your business or non-profit organization, no matter what the size or experience, it may help. I’m going to dig into strategies that you can take back and put into place that afternoon to better your online presence.

What points do you hope those who attend will take away from the presentation?
You can spend a lot of time online just spinning your wheels with no rhyme or reason to what you’re doing and get little to no results. Instead you should spend less time with the right strategy and end goal and finish with better results.

What are the most common issues affecting your clients when it comes to marketing their businesses today?
No. 1 is time. Small and mid-sized business people are often wearing many hats. Where does the marketing hat fit and how do we make that time more productive. No. 2 is recognizing they should be using a specific resource, but not knowing what to do with it.
For instance, which of the 7,000 social media platforms should you be using? Or instead of doing something, they just get overwhelmed, freeze up and do nothing at all.

Lastly, what is the No. 1 reason to attend this event?

Hawn says it is all about providing strategic support. “Often, especially with our small to mid-sized businesses, the owner is also serving as the marketer,” he says. “We are there to help as an advisor to help them devise a strategy and provide the resources to make it happen.”
Submitted 10 years 278 days ago
Categories: categoryManagement
Views: 4450