by Ryan McMullen
How many phone calls, emails and drop-ins does the average small-business owner get on a daily basis from marketing people who are going to change their fortunes? According to my grassroots research, a boatload. Who knew there were so many marketing geniuses out there who are so great at marketing that they have to dial a phone 100 times a day to build their own businesses? Not sure that qualifies as marketing.
With few exceptions, all of these companies are trying to sell only one piece of an overall marketing puzzle. Just like with a real puzzle missing even one piece, you will never grow your business the way you envision it with an incomplete set.
So, what exactly are these people selling you? Again, with few exceptions, all they are selling you is a strategy or tool to get traffic (visitors) to your website. That’s it. Whether it be social media, pay per click, SEO or display ads, all you are getting is one tool to get visitors to your site. Don’t get me wrong: This is a very, very important piece of the puzzle, but it’s not going to build a business.
Just as having only a hammer to try to build a house isn’t going to get you very far, you can’t generate traffic with just one tool. You’re going to need a saw, some pliers, a couple of wrenches, a screwdriver, a drill and the other awesome power tools Home Depot has for us.
If you want the blueprint to build your business with an online marketing machine, here is what you’re going to need:
1. Traffic. We just talked about this, but “traffic” is just another term for visitors to your website. You’re going to need it.
2. Lead capture. You need a system in place to get prospects’ contact information so you can follow up with them.
3. Lead nurture. You need to nurture your prospects in a way that builds trust, authority and credibility that lead to an increase in sales inquiries.
4. Sales conversions. You need elements in your sales process to ensure you have a very high closing rate (85%-plus).
5. Client maximization. You need a strategy to get repeat business, referrals and up-sells from existing customers. This is where you can make an immediate impact on your business.
6. Metrics. You need to track everything you do to make sure it’s working.
Anybody can send visitors to your site all day long, but if at the end of the day you’re not making more sales, then it’s worthless. This is what all of those salespeople knocking down your door will never bring to you. Why? You will never get pitched this because it is too hard to sell.
It’s hard to sell because it can be confusing to explain all of this and a confused mind does not buy. Unfortunately, my online marketing industry is full of shysters who are not doing what is best for their clients but what is easiest to sell to a confused public for big profits.
Ryan McMullen ( is the owner of St. Louis Marketing Lab
Submitted 9 years 327 days ago