Monday, September 9, 2024
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Time With The Boss: Lisa Bell-Reim, Oculus

Lisa Bell-Reim, Oculus

Industry: architecture, interior design, move management, strategic planning

Education: Washington University

Family: Husband: Ron; kids: Ian 20, Emma 14

What is your mission?

To stay healthy so I can be energetic for everything else in my life: running our business, attending to family, nurturing friendships.

What was your first job?

Packing fresh-picked tomatoes, a coveted summer job for my friends and me. I still turn a tomato upside down to see if it’s a “topper” — the perfect tomato for the top layer in the box.

What was your worst job?
None! I learned something valuable from every one of them.

What led you to your industry?
I was interested in art, science, math, floor plans and spaces. Then I fell in love with drafting, which opened two doors: an architectural field trip to amazing St. Louis buildings and advanced architectural drafting. After that, I was hooked on architecture and design.

What was the smartest thing your company did in the past year?
The acquisition of a Portland, Oregon, firm that expands our design portfolio in retail, restaurants and hotels and gives our West Coast presence a boost.

Who is your industry role model?
Vickie Berry, a successful corporate architect who helped me decide to pursue an alternate career path. Best career move I’ve made.

How do you try to differentiate your business from others in your industry?
We set goals every year and attain them by focusing on what we do best and what our clients truly need.
What’s the hottest trend in your industry, and are you going to jump on board?
Collaborative workspaces to recruit, maintain and increase communication among staff, which we’ve begun implementing in new designs for our Dallas and St. Louis offices.

What’s the hardest part of your job?
Finding, cultivating and managing the best people for the best outcomes. We hire people that match our culture and have the skills we need for the projects we pursue.

What’s the best part?

When a strategy pays off — a big win, unsolicited client praise for a job well done, happy staff, seeing our designs come alive.

What best advice would you share with new entrepreneurs?

Stay focused on what you do best — and hire a good accountant and lawyer.

What’s your favorite place in St. Louis?
Forest Park is an amazing treasure. A good friend and I often take early morning walks in the park to hear the animals in the zoo greeting the new day.

What book is on your nightstand?
“Unforgettable” by Scott Simon and “Witnessing Whiteness” by Shelly Tochluk.

What has made you successful in your industry and in St. Louis?
Building a network of consultants, peers and industry friends. If you want a peer to remember and recommend your work, you need to remember and recommend theirs as well.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to cook for my family. I constantly research and read new books and recipes that support a healthy lifestyle.
Submitted 6 years 165 days ago
Categories: categoryTime With The Boss
Views: 3860