by James Canada
Do the comments “Why did we have this meeting?” or “What is the point of this meeting?” sound familiar? Instead of conveying important information to our clients or employees, too often we rush to call meetings that turn out to be unnecessary and unproductive.
If we don’t know why we need to have a meeting, then we probably should not meet! The definition of an effective meeting is one that brings the decision makers and influencers together at the right time with a well-defined outcome.
Here are five steps to help ensure that every meeting produces the engaging results you need to move your business forward:
1) In clear and concise terms, state the purpose of the meeting and the desired outcome.
2) Make a list of each attendee and why this person is needed — e.g., knowledge, influence, decision-making, implementation.
3) Organize the logistics — e.g., number of attendees, location, equipment, Wi-Fi.
4) Create an agenda that is concise, chronological and well-organized, with time allocated for each topic. Allow time for summary and actions review at the end. Distribute the agenda, along with background material, in advance.
5) Always start the meeting on time and establish meeting rules — i.e., stay on subject, offer mutual respect in listening and speaking, and solve problems without blame.
So, before you call your next meeting, ask yourself, Is this meeting really necessary?
Hosting an effective meeting helps everyone be more productive. When I follow the above steps, I find that participation increases and morale improves. Remember that a successful meeting occurs when those involved agree that the right agenda was addressed by the right people at the right time with the right approach so that the meeting produced the desired result.
James H. Canada is managing partner/CEO for Alliance Technologies LLC, ITEN mentor and author of “Corporate to Entrepreneur: Strategies for Success.” Contact Jim at, 636-734-2337 or
Submitted 5 years 349 days ago