by Richard Avdoian
When was the last time you reviewed your email signature? If you are like most business owners and professionals, you haven’t really reviewed it or given it much thought since the day you set it up.
The typical basic signature includes name, title, company name, address and contact information. Given that we are increasingly attached to our phones and computers and that we read, reply to and send emails frequently, are we missing an ideal advertising opportunity to promote our services and products?
Over the past several months, I have made it a point to really look at the signatures of various emails I have received. I was surprised and impressed by the variation of those that stood out.
Although the majority were the standard signature, there were many creative eye-catching variations.
Here are a few suggestions:
* Be to the point; keep everything in moderation. This should not be a full-blown sales pitch but rather a promotional tease to generate a follow-up inquiry.
* Focus. Do not be wordy. Just the facts, Jack. Select one concept, product or service to highlight. In fact, take time to write a few variations to rotate. Set up a system to remind you to rotate the focus statement. Consider one overall statement of the company’s services and products and then one for each product and service.
* Highlight special events. Announce the launch of a new product or service, receipt of an award, being quoted in an article, or having an article published. Include links.
* Catch their eye. People are so accustomed to black type that they don’t focus on much other than what is in the body of the email. To draw attention to your signature, consider adding color, possibly your logo, and changing the font.
* Add a picture. Consider adding your head shot, office exterior or interior, staff head shots and group shots, products, the cover of your book, and books or other publications you are quoted in. Let’s face it: Many people enjoy looking at pictures, a refreshing break from reading content.
* Don’t be a philosopher. Avoid motivational quotes or cute phrases. People have either read it before or see it has simply filler. It can work against you if there isn’t a clear reason for it or it doesn’t fit your brand or personality.
Remember to keep the signature eye-catching but not overdone. There are a few items you may want to avoid adding since they are generally on your website. Don’t include Twitter and Instagram handles, blog and Facebook links, and personal non-business information, as they may be perceived as too self-promoting.
So, take the time to review your signature and consider incorporating a few of these suggestions. The key is to make it a habit to refresh your signature to promote the company and the services and products it provides.
Richard Avdoian is president/CEO of the Midwest Business Institute Inc., a business consulting and training firm. For information about training and seminars, contact Richard at 618-972-8588 or
Submitted 5 years 337 days ago