by Fred Miller
Whenever you are scheduled to speak, in person or virtually, someone should introduce you. An introduction is an integral part of a presentation.
The speaker is responsible for writing the introduction. The emcee should read it as if he or she wrote it. Too often, that person will grab your bio from the internet. No one cares how many kids you have, where you vacation or (except in St. Louis) the high school you attended.
This is a “speaking opportunity” for emcees and a moment for them to shine. Providing a great, relevant introduction will serve them well.
People attending events are investing
- Time
- Sometimes money
- Opportunity costs (They could be doing a number of other things.)
An introduction sets the stage for your presentation and should answer three questions:
1. WHY this subject?
- Describe why the topic is important to the audience. Example: “The fear of public speaking holds many people back from reaching their potential.”
2. WHY this speaker?
- Do not be modest. Here is where you establish your credibility: years in your industry, degrees, special awards, book titles, etc.
- It is better for the person who is making your introduction to state great things about you. If you share those same accomplishments, you could come across as bragging and turn the audience off. Example: “Our speaker’s books are purchased internationally and receive rave reviews.”
3. WHY now?
-Share reasons why the topic is important to the audience. Example: “Speaking opportunities are business, career and leadership opportunities If you fear public speaking--or just want to be a better presenter--our speaker has a message for you.”
Send your introduction to the emcee immediately after being awarded the speaking gig and before they have invested time and effort writing one for you.
Do so and your presentation will be - NO SWEAT!
Fred Miller ( is a Speaker, International Coach and Author. Businesses and individuals hire him to improve their public speaking and presentaiton skills.
Submitted 4 years 166 days ago