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Check Your LinkedIn Notifications!

by Kathy Bernard

One LinkedIn function that is easy to involves the “Notifications” tab at the top of your home page. This is where LinkedIn posts items that it considers significant to you, but unworthy of sending you full-fledged messages.
Items included in Notifications:

- Comments to your posts and articles (or those that you commented on) so that you can converse with responders
- Event announcements
- Notifications of new people who have followed your company page (you’ll only see these if you are your company page’s administrator). Don’t have a free company page? Click Work and then “Create a Company Page” to launch one
- News posts on topics of interest to you. Express interest in topics by typing something like #executiveleadership into the search box and then “Follow”
- Suggestions for people and company pages to follow
- Teasers about posts made by people to whom you often respond
- Articles that LinkedIn thinks you might want to see, from Bill Gates to other influencers
- Group posts from LinkedIn groups that you’ve joined
- Encouragements to congratulate connections who have job anniversaries, promotions, birthdays, etc.
- News and posts from companies that you follow
- Job recommendations and requests to share job openings
- Offers and tips from LinkedIn

You can opt out of certain notifications by clicking “Notifications” and then View settings. So, keep up with notifications! It will make you more active and findable on LinkedIn.

Kathy Bernard (, CEO of, is a St. Louis-based LinkedIn consultant/trainer who equips businesses to maximize LinkedIn for sales, marketing, or fundraising.
Submitted 1 years 211 days ago
Categories: categoryMastering LinkedIn
Views: 683