by Dave Driscoll
Planning to sell your business is easy to put off … and some people believe they will never sell. Maybe you analyze the economic situation, your industry trends, and your personal motives, wishing you had a crystal ball to know exactly when to begin preparing to sell. However, one thing is certain: Eventually you will leave your business one way or another. Regardless of when or if you intend to sell your business, keeping that ultimate goal in mind will enhance business value in the meantime and protect you from feeling stuck in the business long after you’re burnt out.
Planning for the eventual sale of your business well in advance will allow you to keep your options open and receive the best return on your blood, sweat and tears so you can embrace your life beyond business.™ Create a solid framework for the future of the business as well as your post-sale finances.
Follow these simple strategies and habits to best position yourself to eventually leave your business:
- Build a strong second-in-command and empower employees.
Healthy businesses are not owner-dependent. Your company will be more successful if you leverage and encourage your employees’ strengths. Develop an organization that can run seamlessly while you take an extended vacation.
- Establish and document processes and procedures.
Ensure consistency and efficiency in delivering your products/services as well as employee relations with a thorough company handbook and operations manual. Doing so builds business value now and long-term and allows a new leader to replicate your success.
- Keep accurate, meticulous financials and review them quarterly.
Creating a profit-and-loss statement and balance sheet should be a non-negotiable habit, using Quicken, QuickBooks, or an accountant. Document all owner’s (seller’s) discretionary expenses. Review your financial results quarterly to recognize trends and strengths as well as problems to be addressed promptly.
- Understand your customers and their pain points so you can offer solutions.
Regularly reexamine and anticipate industry trends as well as your customers’ changing needs in the face of societal and technological developments. Flexibility and innovation are valuable.
- Differentiate your company’s offerings from those of your competitors.
If your company fills a unique niche, it could eventually be a valuable add-on for a competitor who would like to expand with your complementary specialty. Rather than eyeing your competitors as enemies, consider that they could be logical buyers when you’re ready to sell your business.
- Invest in technology and innovation to keep the business on or ahead of the curve.
I’m not suggesting jumping on every technological bandwagon. You don’t have to be the first in your industry to embrace new technology or ideas, but make sure you aren’t the last.
And don’t forget the personal side of planning:
- Realistically define your lifestyle expenses, the value of your business, and your anticipated tax structure. Don’t guess at these!
- Take a short break each year to honestly assess your level of passion, energy, patience and drive for the business.
Don’t ignore the early signs that you should be taking steps toward your exit before you and your company’s value suffer.
- Nurture your interests and hobbies.
Inevitably, your business is a major part of your life. Devoting time to other aspects of your personality is a healthy reminder that you and your business are separate entities.
- Make peace with the emotional side of selling your business.
Avoid taking this lightly. Selling your business can feel like losing a large part of your identity. Openly discuss with your family and confidants how you will fill your days and find meaning.
To achieve the life beyond business™ you envision, always operate your business in such a way that it can sell tomorrow for maximum value and minimal taxation. Then, when the time is right, you can confidently reap the rewards of the business value you’ve built.
Dave Driscoll is president of Metro Business Advisors, a business brokerage, valuation and exit planning firm helping owners of companies with revenue up to $20 million sell their most valuable asset. Reach Dave at or 314-303-5600. For more information, visit
Submitted 1 years 327 days ago