by Kathy Bernard
If you haven’t created a free LinkedIn page for your business, click the “For Business” icon, select Create a Company Page, complete the form, and link the page to your profile. But what do you do next?
- Add as many services as possible to the Specialties section. Prospects can find your company when they search for such specialties.
- Post a few articles to make your company page look active.
- Ask employees to link to the page through their profile work entries. Train them to regularly comment on and like page posts. Enlist “ringers” to always comment.
- Invite up to 100 connections per month to follow your page.
- Share at least 12 engaging posts per year from the LinkedIn home page by clicking “Start a post,” selecting the down arrow to post from your company. Or, visit your company page to post there. (Get to your page easily by clicking the logo next to your work entry on your profile. You must be a page manager or owner to post from your company).
- Don’t worry about impressions or clicks. No one but page owners/managers see them! Instead, focus on getting comments to impact your page’s reach.
- Send employees timely industry news and stories to share. Also, train them to positively comment on customers’ and prospects’ posts. Whether they comment as themselves or as a company representative, such activity leads more people to your company.
The bottom line: Don’t just create a company page. Work it to lead prospects to your business.
Kathy Bernard (, CEO of, is a St. Louis-based LinkedIn expert/trainer who trains and equips individuals and businesses to maximize LinkedIn for sales, marketing, or fundraising.
Submitted 1 years 84 days ago
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