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Women Leaders - Michelle Goodwin, Principal, NAI DESCO

by Marianne Biangardi and Jennifer Bardot

When you began your career did you ever imagine you would have a leadership role like you have now? What advice would you give your younger self?
My first job in commercial real estate was my first job out of college, I did not have expectations of taking on a leadership position – I was focused on learning the business. Advice I would give to my younger self is say yes to any opportunity that excites you, even if you don’t feel ready. If you like what you’re doing and work hard, you can figure most things out along the way.

Who inspires you and why? What is your most valued attribute in the leaders you respect or mentors you have had?
My fellow partners at NAI DESCO and my Dad, who is a business owner, have inspired me throughout my career. I most admire their tenacity and work ethic, which is consistent regardless of if they just had a big win or are facing a difficult challenge. Each of my mentors truly love what they do, and it shows in the energy and commitment they bring day in and day out – it is infectious to those around them. Their ability to build others up, in addition to themselves, is a quality I hope to possess in my own career.

What did it take in order to trust yourself to step into leadership?
My steps into leadership were gradual, I began taking on more responsibility as I gained more experience. I have been very fortunate to have mentors, colleagues and peers that recognize my strengths and create opportunities for me to grow. I have seen firsthand how that support and confidence in someone can change the trajectory of their career.

Have you experienced any hardships and how did you overcome the obstacles. When did you know, the business was going to make it?
It was challenging coming up in commercial real estate as a woman and being young. I started when I was 23. It was an uphill battle being taken seriously, or even acknowledged at times. Aligning myself with a company that did not put limitations on my career growth and encouraged my advancement was invaluable. Creating relationships with other women in the industry who had experienced similar obstacles helped build my confidence. Advocating for myself to ensure I was taken seriously and provided opportunities was critical for my advancement. Seeing how far I’ve come shows me the opportunities the future holds.

What do you attribute your success too? Secret to your success…
I attribute my success to showing up every day and doing the work – there are no shortcuts. Having clear goals, knowing who I am and what I stand for are key.

What advice would you give to other local women leaders?
If you are in a position of leadership, chances are you have more than earned it. Value your voice and opinions, even if they seem very different from whomever else is sitting at the table. Know when (and what) to delegate, you cannot be a great leader while doing everything for everyone.

Other items you would like to highlight…
I feel very grateful to have found a career I love. I work with a great group of people who have seen me grow from a marketing assistant to a broker to their business partner – and have treated me with the same amount of respect from my first day on the job, to now. I have awesome parents who instilled confidence in me from an early age, and encouraged me to believe I was up for anything, so long as I put the work in – and I have a wonderful husband who is proud of me and my commitment to my career, company and colleagues. Couldn’t ask for more, and I’m excited to see what the future holds!

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Jennifer Bardot (ownyourgrit@gmail.com, or
314-630-1451) is CEO and Founder of G.R.I.T. Community For Women.

Marianne Biangardi (mbiangardi@uhy-us.com or 314-322-4871) is Sr. Associate, Marketing and Business Development, at UHY LLP.

Submitted 56 days ago
Categories: categoryWomen Leaders
Views: 151