Economic Development Corporation of Jefferson County
Provides financial and other assistance to companies located in and interested in locating in Jefferson County. Also see "Programs for Small Business Lending."
P.O. Box 623
5217 Hwy. B
Hillsboro, MO 63050
Phone: 636-797-5336
Fax: 636-797-5080
Internal Revenue Service
Sponsors small and home-based business workshops. An employment-tax workshop is offered for small-business owners who have employees. Goal is to inform small-business owners of their tax-filing requirements when they enter business, and provide them with the tax information they need as their businesses expand and grow.
1122 Town & Country Commons Dr.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Phone: 314-612-4002
Economic Development Center of St. Charles County
This public-private organization has issued $100 million in business financing since year 2000 and helped create and retain nearly 2,900 jobs in the local area. To serve businesses of all sizes, the EDC offers financing programs, business counseling, and tenant space.
International Trade and Investment
Assists Missouri companies to facilitate new business opportunities internationally. Professional staff is available to take the fear and uncertainty out of doing business in the global market. No matter if you're experienced in international marketing or just starting out, the Missouri Office of International Trade and Investment has the support and services that you need to succeed.
301 W. High St., Rm. 720
P. O. Box 118
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 866-647-3633
Justine Petersen Housing & Reinvestment Corporation
Originates micro-enterprise loans up to $35,000 through its U.S. Small Business Administration Micro-Loan Intermediary Program. Also, counselors assist potential and current business owners to prepare and present financial statements, manage cash flow, and develop a business and a marketing plan. Also have an office in East St. Louis, IL.
5031 Northrup Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110
Phone: 314-664-5051, ext.117
Fax: 314-664-5364
Missouri Society of Certified Public Accountants
A professional development association dedicated to providing education, networking and advocacy to nearly 10,000 CPA members in Missouri.
275 N. Lindbergh Blvd., Ste. 10
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 314-997-7966
Fax: 314-997-2592
Missouri Treasurer's Office
The BIG Linked Deposit Program enables a borrowed to receive a below-market interest rate on a loan made by a participating Missouri financial institution.
P.O. Box 210
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-2372
Fax: 573-751-9443
Overseas Private Investment Corp.
Provide financing for firms from $100,000 to $250 million (and sometimes smaller). In addition to financing, agency's services include risk insurance and currency conversion.
1100 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20527
Phone: 202-336-8400
Fax: 202-408-9859
RMI (Resources For Missouri, Inc.)
Assists Missouri small businesses by providing long-term, fixed-rate financing through SBA's 504 Loan Program and the SBA MicroLoan Program. Utilize this resource to secure expansion capital at a below-market fixed-rate and longer term.
1014 Northeast Dr.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: 800-234-4971
Fax: 573-635-5636
Submitted 11 years 97 days ago