Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority
Provides both financial and technical assistance to small businesses in Missouri that can improve the markets for recycled materials. The Missouri Market Development Program (MMDP) operates within the Authority in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Economic Development.
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573-751-4919
Fax: 573-635-3486
Website: http://www.dnr.mo.gov/eiera/mo-market-dev-program.htm
Missouri Forest Products Association
Trade association serving the forest products industry in Missouri. Sponsor of the Mid-West Forest Industry Show. Educational meetings, seminars, workshops, marketing and membership programs.
611 E. Capitol Ave., Ste. 1
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: 573-634-3252
Fax: 573-636-2591
Website: http://www.moforest.org
Submitted 11 years 109 days ago