Thursday, February 13, 2025
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St. Charles City - County Library, Spencer Road
Provides research and marketing assistance to both startups and existing businesses and nonprofits of any size. Offers online services available to access information about local, national, and international companies, industry trends, detailed demographic information, legal forms, full-text databases of trade, general and scholarly business publications, etc.

Business and Public Management Services
427 Spencer Rd.
St. Peters, MO 63376
Phone: 636-441-0794
Fax: 636-926-3948

St. Louis City Library
Offers updated information free of charge. Reference tools include a number of business directories, company and stock reports, investors' guides, books on writing business plans, CDR sources and investment analysis reports. The Business, Science and Technology Department resources include copies of U.S. Patents, and library personnel will help initiate patent searches.

1301 Olive St.
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: 314-539-0390
Fax: 314-241-4305

St. Louis County Library Headquarters
Offers resources on business, including specific titles for the small-business community. Formats include book, video, electronic databases, periodicals, newspaper and newsletters, microfilm and microfiche. General types of business resources include directories, handbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries and government documents.

Reference Department
1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63131
Phone: 314-994-3300
Fax: 314-997-7602

Submitted 11 years 66 days ago
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